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Specialist qualification in insolvency

The Institute's first specialist qualification (SQ) is the professional diploma in insolvency programme (known as the "diploma in insolvency" before the 2013-14 programme).


The programme was first offered in 2000-01. It is taught by Hong Kong’s leading insolvency experts and is designed to help insolvency practitioners consolidate and refine their skills. Professor Andrew Keay of Leeds University in the United Kingdom was appointed in 2009 to carry out an independent review of the 2009-10 diploma programme.  Prof. Keay's report states that the 2009/10 Diploma in Insolvency programme (known as the "professional diploma in insolvency" from 2013-14 onwards) achieved the rigorous academic, professional standards required of a specialist professional qualification of international standing and recognition.


The Institute decided in June 2010 to award the diploma in insolvency (known as the "professional diploma in insolvency" from 2013-14 onwards) the status of an SQ, the Institute's first SQ. All successful candidates of the programme, including those from previous cohorts, may therefore use the titles SQ (Insolvency) and 專項文憑 (破產重整) after their names in recognition of the achievement of the SQ. They will have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Hong Kong’s insolvency procedures, as well as cross-border and transnational issues, especially those related to mainland <st1:country-region w:st="on">China</st1:country-region>. They will also possess the practical skills, legal awareness and the strong sense of ethics needed to carry out insolvency work.


Please click here for more information on insolvency education.
