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What do I need to prepare for the CPA Virtual Run?

Choose appropriate running gear and clothing that fits your own needs. Record your run with proper tracking devices and apps. Submit your running record.
Q.  What is a proper tracking device?
A GPS tracking device for tracking the duration and distance of your run. This can be a smartphone, GPS watch or sports wristband.
Q. What is a running app? Do you have a recommended app?

Your tracking device usually come with an app to show your running record. We suggest using Strava for results submission as it is compatible with nearly all tracking devices. Registration for Strava is free.
Q. Where can I submit my running record?

You may submit your running record on the Results submission platform. Please use your enrolment number, which is included in the registration confirmation email.
Q. Where should I run?
You can choose wherever place you like. Below are several suggested running routes:
  1. (New Territories) Shatin  ← →  Ma On Shan Promenade

2. (Hong Kong Island) Bowen Road (4km one way)

3. (Kowloon) Kowloon Tsai Park (1.4km per loop)

4. Any outdoor sports ground (typically 400m per lap)

 Q.  Can I pause my watch and rest during the run?

We take the elapsed time for evaluating the prize awardees. Please set your watch to show the elapsed time instead of the moving time. If you haven't set the elapsed time, you are not suggested to pause your watch in between the run, otherwise the total finishing time will be lengthened.
 Q.  How do you show elapsed time instead of moving time?





Step 1: Open your Activity record, Click “…”

Step 2: Choose “Edit”

Step 3: Change “Type” to “Race”

The time shown will then change to elapsed time. Please see Results submission demo for details.

 Q. Do I need to set my activity privacy to public?
 A. Not necessary as long as you can provide sufficient information via the Results submission platform
 Q. What is the Corporate Cup? Can I join on behalf of my company?
Apart from the Individual or team awards, runners can also represent their corporations/ organizations and compete for the Corporate Cup. Individuals or teams from the same company/ organization will earn the following points according to the number of entries and rankings:

Individual / team


One entry


Champion of each category


1strunner-up of each category


2ndrunner-up of each category


3rdrunner-up of each category


4thrunner-up of each category



The company/ organization that earned the highest accumulated points will be awarded the Corporate Cup. Company representatives please contact Mr. Jun Sat by email for Corporate Cup registration – email:


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