This month at the Institute (November 2023)
Cast your vote for Council Election 2023
Voting for Council Election 2023 is now open until 5:30 p.m. on 4 December. Cast your vote EITHER by paper ballot OR through the e-voting platform. Log into the Institute website members’ area for more details and exercise your right to vote today.

ESG Assurance in Hong Kong 2023: An evolving landscape
A Plus – Overseeing success
The Institute released the research study themed “ESG Assurance in Hong Kong 2023: An evolving landscape”, expanding on the 2021 study of the same theme. The study reviews the state of play of environmental, social and governance (ESG) assurance in the local market by looking at the adoption of external ESG assurance for listed companies. It gauges the changes in the reach of ESG assurance in the Hong Kong market over the past two years and makes key recommendations based on the results. A press conference wais held on 14 November to announce the major findings of the study, which attracted representatives from about 20 media outlets and generated over 50 media coverage.
The latest quarterly issue of A Plus features Tim Lui, Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission for the final interview of the 50th Anniversary Interview Series. In the interview, the former President of the Institute talks about how the regulator takes on market development, accountants' role in driving sustainability and why he’s a proud Institute member. Other articles include the growing B Corporation movement in Hong Kong and how companies became certified; and a roundtable discussion on the opportunities and potential pitfalls of new technologies in the profession. This issue also contains columns on navigating the privacy and ethical challenges of generative artificial intelligence; and how CFOs can play a central role in accelerating digital transformation.
Survey on shortage of accounting professionals in Hong Kong
The Institute is eager to gather members' insights on the shortage of accounting professionals. A survey has been prepared to collect views about the current staffing shortage within the accounting profession in Hong Kong, as well as the challenges faced in attracting and retaining talented professionals. The results of the survey will be used by the Institute to explore potential solutions and support measures. Complete the survey by 10 December.
As a token of appreciation for members' participation, the Institute is pleased to provide to the first 200 respondents, a complimentary seat to attend an e-learning CPD event hosted by the Institute. The complimentary e-learning CPD event to be offered is at the Institute's final discretion.
Renew your 2024 membership today
HKICPA Employer Toolkit – Accounting+
Renew your membership to retain your prestigious CPA designation in Hong Kong, and to continue having access to our growing repertoire of services, while remaining a part of our extensive network of business professionals. The renewal process is straightforward and can be completed online in just a few simple steps. Click here to renew your membership before 15 December.
As a token of gratitude for your unwavering support, we are pleased to offer two complimentary CPD courses to members who successfully renew their 2024 membership on time. Details will be announced around Q1 2024. Thank you for your continued dedication once again!
The Institute has formulated a set of materials that communicate the employee value proposition to potential candidates to encourage them to join the profession and support employers in attracting and retaining talent. This tool kit will help employers clarify misconceptions and emphasize the indispensability and impact of the profession, as well as the long-term value of the Qualification Programme (QP).
The presentation can be accessed here, with further guidance and editable files available after logging into the member’s area.
Mentorship Programme 2024-25
Join the Mentorship Programme 2024-25 to enrich your development or contribute to the profession. Over 1,700 mentor-mentee pairs have been matched through the programme since 2015.
Members with less than seven years of post-qualification experience may apply to become a mentee, while those with seven or more years, a mentor. Visit the webpage to learn more about the programme and how it has helped both mentors and mentees. Submit your application by 19 January 2024.
Online courses are counted towards verified continuing professional development (CPD) as well. Find courses on the CPD learning resource centre and enrol to claim CPD hours. Find all FAQs on CPD here.
The abridged minutes from the October 2023 Council meetings are now available. Log into your member’s account to view them.
Latest offers of merchandise discounts
Enjoy exclusive offers and discounts from our Merchandise Discount Programme. Please present your valid HKICPA membership card upon purchase. Below are some of our latest offers:
15% off at RR by Kolb Coffee online shop on all items, except for coffee machines
Special discount on consultant physiotherapists and treatments
20% off on Green Dot Dot’s selected organic and healthy food products
Special rental offers for co-working space
Sports and recreational events
CPA Snooker Tournament 2023 (Men & Women)
The Men’s and Women’s events for CPA Snooker Tournament 2023 were held on 4 and 5 November separately. Congratulations to the winners! For the Men’s category: Golden Cup – Boey Wong (Champion), Allan Lau (1st runner up and Champion of Highest break), Sze Ka Ming (2nd runner up) and David Leung (3rd runner up); Silver Cup – Freeman Cheng (Champion) and Chung Kai Shun (1st runner up); Highest break – Eddie Yu (1st runner up). For the Women’s category: Yuki Lui (Champion) and Debbie Wong (1st runner up). Click to see results and photos.
Get a free t-shirt for Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2024
We are calling for the Institute's runners who have succesfully enrolled in any race of the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2024 to show your pride and CPA spirit on the course by wearing the Institute’s running t-shirt you can get for free. Sign up here by 18 December. Details of the bag drop service will be announced closer to the race day. Secure your t-shirt now!
Activities for young members
Date: now until 15 August 2024
Date: now until 15 August 2024
Other upcoming activities
Date: December 2023 – January 2024
Table tennis practice sessions
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