Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (12 August 2022) |
Join the virtual conference for young members on 3 September to find out more about opportunities for young CPAs under the latest industry trends. The speakers will share their insights and experience with young accountants, including how they can get involved in the sustainability and ESG initiatives of their companies and organizations; the challenges and opportunities facing them under the new digital economy amid growing influence of the Metaverse and NFTs; the types of skillsets they should possess to be future-ready CPAs, and more. |
Join this webinar to learn about the relevant sections of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance in relation to the duties and responsibilities of directors and professionals in preventing corruption and other malpractices. Business ethics and other ethical issues encountered by directors and professionals as well as the "3As" (Assessment, Awareness and Action) model of ethical governance will also be covered. |
Enjoy a 10% discount on ten selected e-manager courses, covering the Interpersonal Skills, Business Planning and Strategy, and Information Technology competencies. Don't miss this opportunity to upgrade your skills at a discount and enrol by 31 August. |
ESG and company valuation: An investment perspective |
CPD hour: 1 | 24 August |
Interpretation of Personal Information Security Protection Law |
CPD hour: 2 | 30 August |
Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards series: The latest developments of CG and ESG |
CPD hour: 1 | 5 September |
Compliant remittance arrangements between the Mainland and Hong Kong for Hong Kong enterprises and residents |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 6 September |
Practical solutions to implementing the AML/CTF requirements (rerun) |
CPD hour: 6 | 7 & 13 September |
The latest focus of IRD's review on charities |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 8 September |
Joint free CPD seminar with CA ANZ and HKPC: Navigating SME support and funding opportunities |
Check out the International Tax Course commencing on 20 August in face-to-face format |
CPD hour: 38.5 | August – December |
2022 HKGFA – HKFSI Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance |
27 August, 3, 17 September. The Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA) and Hong Kong Financial Services Institute (HKFSI) have launched a Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance. The 3-day program consists of 6 modules providing the foundational knowledge and building blocks of sustainable finance with case studies, and supporting Hong Kong's capacity building needs. The Institute is one of the supporting organizations and our members are eligible to get a 10% discount of program fee. The program will be conducted in face-to-face format and in Mandarin. A certificate of attendance will be given to participants who have 70% attendance. The maximum capacity is 40 on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration is open until 24 August 2022. |
Climate Change – It's Time for Action |
29 August. The Association of Women Accountants has invited Mr. Lam Chiu Ying (林超英), ex-Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, to share about climate change and how it affects every area of our lives, as well as what we should do to mitigate its impact. Institute members can enjoy a special discount. |
Ingenique Solutions – Understanding Global Sanction Risks and Meeting Compliance Challenges |
6 September. In this webinar organised by Ingenique Solutions, the speakers will provide an overview and case studies of risks related to recent Russia and global sanctions, good practices for AML/ CTF compliance processes and discuss how new technologies can be leveraged to mitigate sanction risks. The webinar is free for Institute members. |
IIAHK Annual Conference 2022 |
15 – 16 September. The Institute of Internal Auditors Hong Kong (IIAHK) will hold a virtual annual conference with the theme "Innovate, Elevate, Motivate". In this conference, fintech pioneers, digital assets experts, transformation leaders, and global thought leaders will share on how to innovate and elevate in today's disruptive world. Enjoy a special discount rate for the registration fee as a member of a supporting organization. |
HKIoD Directors' Conference 2022 |
21 September. Organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors (HKIoD), the Directors' Conference 2022 will share with directors and senior executives the insights of speakers on the theme "From Resilience to Sustainability" from multicultural and international perspectives. Fill in the online registration form and choose "Member of Project Partners" to enjoy the member rate. |
HKCGI 13th Biennial Corporate Governance Conference 2022 |
23 September. The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (HKCGI) will hold the 13th Biennial Corporate Governance Conference in a hybrid mode. Speakers will examine how not just the functioning, but the purpose of the company, governance itself and of the governance professional should be redefined to meet the needs of the 21st Century. Enjoy a special discount rate for the registration fee as a member of a supporting organization. |
CGMA programme – Special offer to QP-qualified Institute members |
25 – 27 October. The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is offering enrolment in the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) programme at a special rate for Institute members who qualified through the Qualification Programme (QP). The course provides training for the CIMA Strategic Case Study Exam and serves as a path to obtain the CGMA designation. The early bird enrolment deadline is 11 October and free information sessions will be held on 18 August and 15 September. |
HKIRC Programme – SME Cybersec Training Hub |
Cyber-attacks have become increasingly prevalent globally, the lack of awareness and resources among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often makes them particularly vulnerable to such attacks. Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) recently launched the SME Cybersec Training Hub to instill a culture of cybersecurity and strengthen cybersecurity governance across organizations by empowering employees to understand common cybersecurity threats and mitigation measures. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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