Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (21 October 2022) |
Mandatory CPD requirements |
Members are required to complete 120 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) in a 3-year rolling period, of which 60 hours must be verifiable; and at least 20 hours of relevant professional development activity in each year. Click to learn more about CPD requirements. Find all other FAQ on CPD requirements here. |
The virtual conference on 19 November will talk about the standard setting function of the Institute and major standard setting projects in progress, the standards which will be effective in 2023 and 2024, application issues of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards 9, 15 and 16 and common pitfalls identified through the recent Accounting and Financial Reporting Council inspection, what's new in sustainability reporting, including sustainability reporting requirements in Hong Kong, the latest developments of the International Sustainability Standards Board and more. |
Six new courses on the topics of team building, change management, performance management and interpersonal skills are now available. Three courses on similar topics of team building are also highlighted for your selection. Enrol in these soft skills training courses to enhance your personal and professional development. |
With the growing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG), implementing a circular economy in your business is a key solution to making it more sustainable. The programme Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategies provides in-depth knowledge about sustainability and ways to grow a sustainable business by incorporating circular economy principles. This online programme, offered by Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, will commence on 22 November and consists of six online modules, comprising of recorded lectures and live webinars. It runs for six weeks with a duration of 24 hours. |
The virtual conference on 29 October will discuss the latest developments in auditing and ethical standards. The updates on the projects of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, and local updates on ethics will be covered. Key changes and requirements of ISA 600 (Revised) will also be shared. |
Come and join the Institute's upcoming face-to-face conference organized for Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) on 12 November, where three panels of respected speakers will discuss and share their insights on the latest trends and developments relating to the power of ESG and digital technologies to help evolve business and operating models in ways that positively impact the world and better meets the needs of corporations. |
Don't miss the popular collaborative courses with AICPA/CIMA on information technology, corporate and strategic finance, risk management and internal control. |
Corporate finance series – How to structure trade finance facilities for accountants (export line)? |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 26 October |
Insolvency preparatory I – Enrolment open until 31 October |
CPD hour: 15 | 5 November – 17 December |
Climate-related implications on financial reporting |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 8 November |
Practice management series for SMPs: Retaining talents in Hong Kong and hiring trends 2022 – 2023 |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 9 November |
Corporate finance series – How to structure trade finance facilities for accountants (import line)? |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 10 November |
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) series – Audit and controls in ERP systems: Order to cash process |
CPD hour: 2 | 12 November |
Corporate finance series – Financial gimmicks I: Income distributions |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 15 November |
Industry update relating to investment funds |
CPD hour: 2 | 15 November |
Development of the "permanent establishment" concept in Hong Kong |
CPD hour: 1 | 21 November |
Guardian role of professionals in upholding ethical governance |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 22 November |
Practical approaches in handling IRD tax audits – From cradle to resolution |
CPD hour: 4 | 23 and 30 November |
New e-Series on Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) and main board listing rules |
CPD hour: 1.5 – 2 |
Corporate finance series – Financial gimmicks II: Capital restructuring and others |
Amendments to HKAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements |
ICAC workshop on ethical decision making |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 26 October |
Workshop for audit managers / seniors in-charge |
CPD hour: 21 | 4, 9 and 11 November |
2022 CUHK Conference on Financial Technology |
3 November. The Faculty of Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is organizing a conference on financial technology themed “New developments in the digital economy: metaverse, web3 and beyond”. The conference is part of the university's 6th FinTech Education Series, which aims to promote financial technology education. Experts will share their views on the potential and outlook of the Metaverse and Web3 technologies. Register now. |
HKACFE Fraud Investigation Training Course |
November – December. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Hong Kong Chapter (HKACFE) will hold a hybrid four-session training course, namely Fraud Investigation in Hong Kong, in November and December 2022. HKICPA and Forensics Interest Group members can enjoy a discount. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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