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Mainland of China

Through ongoing communications with Mainland authorities and regulators, the Institute focuses on helping members stay on top of developments, and ensuring that their views are heard and addressed. Our engagement strengthens Hong Kong’s role as an international connector between the Mainland and global markets.


Hong Kong CPAs are highly regarded and relied on for their international and Greater China experience.  Their expertise allows them to play a vital role in running and advising a wide range of organizations, particularly in the Belt and Road Initiative and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. In preparation for these initiatives the Institute has been liaising with stakeholders to ensure our members play a key role in helping businesses capitalize on the opportunities arising.


As well as our interactions with stakeholders, we organize a range of events and activities for members based in the Mainland.


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i) Launch your WeChat app and tap the “+” button in the top right-hand corner. Choose “Add Contacts” then “Official Accounts” and search for WeChat ID “hkicpa_official”.
ii) Tap the “Follow” button and view our official account right away.


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i) Launch your WeChat app and tap the “+” button in the top right-hand corner, and tap “Scan QR Code”. 

ii) Scan the QR code below and view our official account right away.
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