This month at the Institute (August 2023)
Commemorative video of the Institute’s 50th Anniversary
The Institute has produced a video to visualize and commemorate the Institute's 50th anniversary. Apart from highlighting key milestones of the Institute’s development over the past 50 years, the video also includes sharings from the Institute’s President Loretta Fong and Chief Executive & Registrar Margaret Chan on the roles CPAs are playing in the business world nowadays and the contribution of the Institute in nurturing talents for the profession. Visit the 50th Anniversary website for more coverage of the special occasion.

A Plus – Shaping policy, driving growth
The latest quarterly issue of A Plus features Paul Chan, Financial Secretary, for the second feature of the 50th anniversary Interview Series. In the interview, the former President of the Institute talks about the city’s economic revival, the evolution of the profession and its importance to the success of Hong Kong. The issue also includes exclusive coverage on the Institute’s flagship anniversary event – CPA Congress, discussing how to meet ESG goals, company best practices for adopting new technologies, strategies for the Greater Bay Area, and how to create an inclusive workplace. Also featured, are columns on the profession’s role supporting net zero transitions, and how worried we should be about artificial intelligence.

Membership renewal for 2024
The next date of expiry for CPA memberships with the Institute is on 31 December 2023. If you are a practising member, the renewal of your practising certificate, practice unit and registered PIE auditor registration (where applicable) with the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC) will be subject to the successful renewal of your membership with the Institute. To help facilitate the renewal process, members may pay the annual membership fee and submit the annual return online through MyCPA beginning on 3 October.
To ensure that you are able to receive the annual renewal notice, please check and update your contact details in MyCPA on or before 8 September.
Click here for more details on the upcoming 2024 membership renewal.
AFRC’s fee schedule for practising certificates, CPA firms and corporate practices
New payment options for CPD events and programmes
We are excited to announce that the Institute has recently introduced AlipayHK and WeChat Pay as convenient alternative payment methods for enrolling in the Institute’s events. Starting from August 2023, attendees and participants can now make transactions using these popular payment gateway.
Keeping CPD records and documentary evidence
A friendly reminder that members are required to keep their continuing professional development (CPD) records and documentary evidence of their verifiable CPD hours for a minimum of five years. Members selected for CPD compliance audit will need to produce the records and supporting documents to verify their CPD activities. Learn more about keeping CPD records and find other FAQs on CPD here.
50th anniversary souvenir collection
Subscription to Mainland Accounting and Taxation Yearbooks
The Institute is delighted to present a collection of memorabilia to commemorate our 50th anniversary. This unique collection includes practical items that can be utilized for the home and office. Join in on the festivities and order your ideal gifts here today.
The Mainland Accounting and Taxation Yearbooks (i.e.《ä¸åœ‹æœƒè¨ˆå¹´é‘’》2022 &《ä¸åœ‹ç¨…務年鑒》2022) are available for subscription now. Click here for further details and submit your subscription by 31 August.
The Institute, in partnership with The Institute of Internal Auditors, is pleased to offer to members the 2023 CIA Challenge Exam – a fast track way for Institute members to attain the globally recognized Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation. Application will be open from 1 to 30 September. Click here for further details.
The abridged minutes from the June 2023 Council meeting are now available. Login to your member’s account to view them.
Latest offers of merchandise discounts
Enjoy exclusive offers and discounts from our Merchandise Discount Programme. Please present your valid HKICPA membership card upon purchase. Below are some of our latest offers:
10% discount on all hypnotherapy and mindfulness services
Special discounts on mooncake order based on order quantity
KaChick Ai Limited
15% discount on photography packages with additional free Polaroid photos
Sports and recreational events
RSCP Tenpin Bowling Tournament 2023
Congratulations to the Institute's bowling team who won the RSCP Tenpin Bowling Tournament on 6 August against other professionals including dentists, doctors, lawyers and surveyors. Ralf Ho, Ricky Lee and Caris Wan were the winners of the individual high game. Meanwhile, Ralf Ho and Caris Wan respectively won the Men's and Women's high game as well. Click to see results and photos.
3rd Mini Bridge Tournament 2023
Congratulations to the champion team: Siu Wing Hay & Stephen Lee Chi Kit, who took home top honours in the 3rd Mini Bridge Tournament 2023 held on 12 August. View the results and photos.
16th IDBF World Dragon Boat Racing Championships, Thailand 2023
Five CPAs and one student member represented Hong Kong in the 16th International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) World Dragon Boat Racing Championships, Thailand 2023, winning the Silver medal in the 2,000m Small Dragon Senior C Mix; the Bronze medal in the 200m Small Dragon Senior B Women, and the 500m and 200m Small Dragon Senior C Mix. See the photo.
Activities for young members
Career Insight Series for young members
A series of events to help young members better understand different career paths is now available. Join the free webinar “MyCareer as a Young Private Banker” on 21 September where two young CPAs will share their experience on pursuing career in the private bank sector. A free e-seminar on CV writing and interview skills has also been made available. Stay tuned for more upcoming events on related topics.
Other upcoming activities
Date: 6 September – 4 November (Every Wednesday and biweekly Saturday)
Date: 22 October – 17 December
Date: September – October
Pre-orders available for Hong Kong Master Tax Guide 2023/24
Institute members can enjoy a time-limited offer to purchase the Hong Kong Master Tax Guide 2023/24 at the special discounted price indicated below, via the online pre-order form of the publisher’s partner firm, from now on until 30 August 2023.
Discounted price: HK$1,010/copy (30% discounted from the original price of HK$1,380/copy: HK$966, plus delivery charge/copy: HK$44)
The Guide covers a wide range of topics including profits tax, salaries tax, transfer pricing and other tax developments. It also contains worked examples, practical checklists and useful flowcharts.
For any enquiries, please contact Ida Cheung at (852) 2218 3714 or via email.
Listed Enterprises of the Year 2023
IFPHK Financial Education and ESG Leadership Awards 2023
2023 Hong Kong ESG Award List
Recently qualified members, join the ICAEW at a special rate
Co-organized by Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group and Hong Kong International ESG Alliance, the inaugural Hong Kong ESG List Annual Awards is now open for nominations. Listed companies, non-listed companies and financial institutions are welcome to apply.
Members who qualified through the Qualification Programme in or after 2014 can apply to join the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) at a special rate. Find out more about the scheme here. Enquiries: ICAEW Hong Kong office - tel. no. 3653 7015; email candice.tang@icaew.com
Disclaimer: Some sections contain information from outside sources. We endeavour to link to reputable sources but the Institute is not responsible for the accuracy of the content and the content does not necessarily represent the views of the Institute.
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