This month at the Institute (May 2023)
Institute’s 50th anniversary
The Institute launched its 50th anniversary celebrations this month, with events announced to connect the profession with the public and to showcase the incredible work that our members have done since our inception. The first event, the HKICPA 50th Anniversary Cup Horseracing Event, will be held in early June.
An early bird offer for the flagship CPA Congress has also been announced with further discounted prices reserved for members. With the theme “Creating a Pathway to Advancement: Empowering Enterprises for the Future”, the CPA Congress is all set to ignite a spark of innovation and collaboration among professionals to drive businesses forward.
Featuring an ensemble of world class guests and speakers, the CPA Congress will be an excellent opportunity for attendees to gain insights into the latest trends and innovations that are on the global agenda for enterprises of all shapes and sizes. Be sure to take advantage of the limited time offer and register for your attendance!

A Plus – Reshaping retirement
As part of the Institute’s 50th anniversary celebration, a 50th Anniversary Interview Series has been introduced in A Plus to feature Institute members who have achieved admirable success, in which they share their experience with the Institute and impart words of encouragement to the next generation of CPAs. The first feature with Ayesha Macpherson Lau, Chairman of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority, talks about how the upcoming eMPF Platform will reshape Hong Kong’s retirement and pension industry, and how CPAs have inspired her to contribute to society. Other articles include a roundtable discussion on the implementation of Inland Revenue Department’s e-Filing project and how Hong Kong attractions are positioning themselves for the tourism revival.

How to achieve verifiable CPD hours
Learning activities are counted as verifiable continuing professional development (CPD) hours if they can be objectively verified by evidence such as attendance records, certificate of achievements or examination result slips. Learn more about verifiable CPD activities and find other FAQs on CPD here.
Professional Diploma in Insolvency (July – December 2023)
Learn how to deal with business in distress. The Liquidation and Personal Insolvency module of the Professional Diploma in Insolvency prepares accountants and lawyers the practical skills they need to carry out complex insolvency work. Learn from experienced specialists in the field and expand your career horizons.
President’s byline article in Wen Wei Po
Starting from March this year, the Institute contributes regular column articles to Wen Wei Po to publicize the Institute’s latest development and advocacies for the profession. In the recent article, the Institute’s President Loretta Fong introduced that the Institute’s Strategic Plan 2023, coinciding with the Institute’s 50th Anniversary, had been formulated to define the development direction and work priorities of the Institute to help members seize the opportunities in the accounting industry and beyond. Read the article now.
The abridged minutes from the January, February (Strategy Day), March and April 2023 Council meetings are now available for members to read. Login to your member’s account to view them.
Leadership visit to Beijing
President Loretta Fong, Vice President Edward Au and Chief Executive and Registrar Margaret Chan, represented the Institute’s leadership in a visit to Beijing on 29 - 30 May to meet with government authorities, regulators and Institute counterparts.
The trip included a meeting with Dong Wang, Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Finance Accounting Department, which was followed by meetings with representatives from the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
This leadership visit to Beijing is an important highlight in the Institute’s overall endeavor to increase its efforts in stakeholder engagement, especially in the Mainland to secure and seize growing opportunities for the profession and our members. Stay tuned as we continue to take initiative to build stronger bridges in the Mainland and beyond.
Latest offers of merchandise discounts
Enjoy exclusive offers and discounts from our Merchandise Discount Programme. Upon purchase please present valid HKICPA membership card. Below are some of our latest offers:
1 year free Amber Club membership
Special 10% off on regular priced jewellery items at all retail shops
Ace Way Company
Exclusive HK$4.5 off per litre for petrol purchases using the Esso fleet card
Sports and recreational events
CPA Sports Carnival 2023
The CPA Sports Carnival 2023 was well attended by nearly 1,000 participants, including athletes, friends and family members from over 40 accounting organizations on 7 May. A huge thank you to all the co-organizers, supporting organizations and sponsors for making the event a success.
The dedicated event facebook page has been updated with photos and results from the event.
CPA Bridge Tournament 2023
Congratulations to Lo Hung Hing, Lee Alfred, Tang William and Lau Wing Pan who won the Accountancy Champion of Oxfam Trailwalker 2022 held on 24 - 26 February. Click to see the photos of the Oxfam Trailwalker 2022 Prize Presentation Ceremony held on 17 May.
Congratulations to the champion team: Michael Cheng Woon Yin and Stephen Lee Chi Kit, who took home top honours in the CPA Bridge Tournament 2023 held on 6 May. Results and photos are now available.
CPA graded bowling competition
Table Tennis Singles Team League
Congratulations to Ralf Ho, Darren Lee and Chan Ho Hon who won grades A, B and C respectively in the graded bowling competition held on 7 May. Sybil Chong and Ralf Ho won the overall single highest scoring games. Click to see results and photos.
Congratulations to Kelvin Lam, Jonathan Lam, Vincent Li and Chris Churk who won the table tennis singles team league which concluded on 21 May. Kenneth Lam, Fung Bing Sum, Andy Fok and Chris Churk also won individual champion awards. Click to see full results and photos.
Other upcoming activities
Date: Any Wednesday until December
Date: Any Friday until December
Electronic filing of 2022/23 individual tax returns – Convenience with eTAX
The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) encourages taxpayers to consider filing their tax returns through the IRD’s eTAX gateway to enjoy personalized online tax services. To save paper, taxpayers can also select to receive electronic notices and documents.
Recently qualified members, join the ICAEW at a special rate
Members who qualified through the Qualification Programme in or after 2014 can apply to join the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) at a special rate. Find out more about the scheme here. Enquiries: ICAEW Hong Kong office - tel. no. 3653 7015; email candice.tang@icaew.com
Disclaimer: Some sections contain information from outside sources. We endeavour to link to reputable sources but the Institute is not responsible for the accuracy of the content and the content does not necessarily represent the views of the Institute.
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