Highlighting upcoming activities every week (23 March 2022) |
Dear members, Take a look at the latest professional development and training events and plan your learning schedule. Download the HKICPA Events app to explore our full range of events and digital programmes and enrol anytime, anywhere. |
Investment series – Option trading and its applications |
1 Apr. The speaker will discuss how options work in the investment market, the key factors affecting options prices and the application of basic options investment strategies. Examples will be shared for illustration. |
Business Valuation Programme |
April to June. The programme aims to provide an insight into the valuation of various assets and is intended for new valuation specialists or those interested in a career in valuations. Enrol now to boost your professional growth. |
ForensIG webinar: Misuse of legal persons and legal arrangements to facilitate money laundering and tax evasion |
8 Apr. At this event, the speakers will explore, through case studies, the common types of misuse and risks associated with legal persons or arrangements, the "red flags" that financial institutions and designated non-financial businesses and professions should be wary of, and how these risks can be mitigated. |
CFIG webinar: Metaverse – The next utopia of wealth and ways for your access? |
11 Apr. This webinar will explore the present status of metaverse development and potential entry points for the public to create wealth, to streamline work and for entertainment purposes. Our speaker will also elaborate on how to access and invest in products related to the metaverse from a corporate finance perspective. |
ICTIG and FSIG joint e-seminar – FinTech: From blockchain to NFTs, metaverse (archived webinar) |
E-seminar. The speaker talks about Hong Kong's role in the blockchain sphere including smart contracts, security tokens and their offerings, "DeFi" (or decentralized finance), non-fungible tokens "NFTs", the metaverse, "GameFi", ETFs, fintech, regulations, and more. |
Reminders |
25 Mar Investment series – Overview of hedge fund and its outlook 26 Mar - 10 Apr Institute/ CIMA joint virtual workshops: Risk management (re-run) 28 Mar RIF webinar: Legal and practical considerations in auditors' negligence cases |
FSDC Practitioner Speakers series – Career opportunities in corporate and institutional banking |
29 Mar. The Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) will organize a webinar where distinguished speakers will share how they entered the corporate and institutional banking sector and advanced their careers, as well as how candidates could seize career opportunities in the field. |
SME ReachOut webinar series: Re-industrialisation is the key to success for "Made in HK" brands – Up to $15 million government funding to support smart manufacturing |
31 Mar. This webinar, organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council, aims at sharing the updated information, application tips and successful cases of the Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme (RFS). A brief introduction of the Re-industrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) will also be included. |
HKIFA 15th Annual Conference |
24 Jun. The Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA) annual conference entitled "Hong Kong – an IFC of strategic connectivity", aims to provide a platform to facilitate in-depth discussions of key factors that will shape the future of the fund management industry. |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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