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The following list links to the more significant submissions of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs on insolvency matters since 25 September 2001.


Date of Submissions Subject
12 October 2023 Consultation Paper – Enhancements to the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong
20 March 2020 HKMA - Proposed rules to be made under the Financial Institutions (Resolution) Ordinance (Cap. 628) on contractual stays on termination rights in financial contracts for authorized institutions
24 September 2018

Consulatation on Proposed Arrangement between Hong Kong and the Mainland on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters

8 December 2017

Consultation Paper on Delisting and other Rule Amendments

28 August 2017

Consultation paper on the Securities and Futures (Open-ended Fund Companies) Rules and Code on Open-ended Fund Companies

26 November 2015 Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Bill 2015
26 June 2015 Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2015
12 May 2015 Second Consultation on Establishing an Effective Resolution Regime for Financial Institutions in HK
15 December 2014 Consultation on Enhancements to Deposit Protection Scheme
12 December 2014 Policy Proposals on Implementation of Information Technology Strategy Plan of the Judiciary (2nd Round)
30 September 2014 Policy Proposals on Implementation of Information Technology Strategy Plan of the Judiciary (1st Round)
19 May 2014 Corporate Rescue Procedure – Framework of Proposals
10 April 2014 Consultation on Establishing an Effective Resolution Regime for Financial Institutions in HK
3 October 2013 LegCo Bills Subcommittee – Proposed resolutions under the Bankruptcy Ordinance and the Companies Ordinance – Reduction in certain fees, charges and deposits in relation to bankruptcy and winding-up proceedings
25 July 2013 FSTB - Consultation on Legislative Proposals for Improvement of Corporate Insolvency Law
17 February 2012 HK Deposit Protection Board – Guidance Note on Contingent Liabilities Estimations
7 February 2012 Review of the Law Relating to Corporate Insolvency
16 September 2011 HK Deposit Protection Board – Guidance Note on Accrued Interest Estimations
29 June 2011 Consultation paper on proposed establishment of a Policyholders’ Protection Fund
4 February 2010 Review of Corporate Rescue Procedure Legislative Proposals
21 October 2009 Consultation paper on strengthening the operation of the Deposit Protection Scheme
2 Jul 2009 Enhancing Deposit Protection under the Deposit Protection Scheme
8 Apr 2006
Deposit Protection Scheme (Asset Maintenance) Rules
14 Nov 2005
Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 – subsidiary legislation

1 April 2005

Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2004
3 March 2005
Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2004

10 Dec 2004

Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2004

28 May 2004

Clearing and Settlement Systems Bill and reply from FSTB

20 May 2004

Clearing and Settlement Systems Bill

1 April 2004

Clearing and Settlement Systems Bill

18 March 2004

Procedural Guides for Taxation/Determination of Bills in Liquidation Process

1 March 2004

Procedural Guides for Taxation/Determination of Bills in Liquidation Process

6 February 2004

Clearing and Settlement Systems Bill
2 December 2003

Consultation Paper on Proposals relating to the Trust Account Arrangement under the Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill

31 July 2003

Deposit Protection Scheme Bill

28 July 2003
HKSA Position Paper on Office Holders' Remuneration

30 June 2003

Taxation of the Bills of the Liquidators, Provisional Liquidators and their agents
17 Mar 2003
Tender for taking up appointment to complete Preliminary Examination in Bankruptcy Cases
21 Oct 2002
Review of the Role of the Official Receiver's Office Consultation Paper
14 June 2002

Release of liquidators

9 Nov 2001
Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill
25 Sep 2001
Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill