Our collection covers subjects including accountancy, auditing, law, taxation, finance and management. There are over 2,700 titles in our book collection. Library materials are for reference only and cannot be removed from the premises.
All eligible users of the Institute are welcome to recommend new titles for inclusion into our collection. Please return Library Book Recommendation Form for consideration. We will consider the requests based on our collection development policy, budget and funding availability.
Currently, we have over 20 professional or industry periodicals in both English and Chinese languages. These include journals from other accounting professional bodies in the Mainland and internationally.
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants publications
Technical guides, standards and other Institute's publications are available in the library. A collection of notes from previous continuous professional development events and past examination papers are also kept in the library for reference. If you need help, please ask library or counter staff for assistance.
Electronic resources
The library has access to a selection of e-books, e-journals and databases covering accounting, general business and economics and other related subjects. Authorized Users can access these electronic resources either remotely or through the computers in the library.
You are welcome to browse the newspapers in the library. Our current subscriptions include, South China Morning Post, Financial Times, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong Economic Times, Ming Pao, Oriental Daily News and Apple Daily.