The Council is supported in its activities by various oversight boards and committees. These ensure that the operations of the Institute’s management and other committees are aligned with the strategies and policies set by the Council. The terms of reference of these committees and their members can be found here.
Committees composition and operation
The Institute aims to appoint individuals of high integrity and professionalism as members of its committees to uphold the reputation of the Institute as a world class professional body that serves the business community and public interest of Hong Kong.
As a general principle, the following factors, which are not meant to be exhaustive, will normally be taken into consideration when determining the suitability of a member to be nominated for appointment to a committee:
(i) Potential contribution to the committee
(ii) Relevant experience and expertise
(iii) Participation in the work of the Institute
(iv) Balance, diversity and succession planning
(v) Stage in career
(vi) Criminal/ disciplinary records and nature of incidents
(vii) Potential conflict of interest
To achieve diversity of members appropriate for each committee, the Institute will consider relevant factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, cultural and educational background of members nominated for appointment to a committee. Committees are recommended to have at least two people of the same gender.
Other factors to be considered when determining the eligibility for committee appointments include nature of committee's work (i.e. whether the committee involves public interest and makes final decisions). Committees that involve public interest make decisions that uphold the quality of the profession which would impact the general public as well as the profession. Members with history of criminal/ disciplinary record may affect their eligibility to serve as a committee member and would be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The below shows some of the typical skills, experience and expertise that the Institute considers relevant by the nature of committees.
Qualification and registration | Standard setting and professional development | Members' interest and engagement | Governance |
Management of committees
The committees are expected to review terms of reference and develop committee work plan at the first meeting each year. Committee members are expected to provide performance feedback which will be referred to by the Nomination Committee when considering committee appointments for the following year.
Committees conduct meetings physically, with dial in and virtual conference facilities also made available. Please refer to here for the policy and procedures in relation to the management of committees.
Be a committee member
Committee nominations begin in November, with members invited to submit their names and CVs for consideration by the Nomination Committee. Committees are appointed for one year by Council in January after recommendation from the Nomination Committee.
Members may also register their interest by sharing with us the expertise and skills in the platform here.