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Transitional arrangement for existing students

1Current QP students / graduates

The pass that students have obtained for a module under the Current QP will be deemed to be a pass for the corresponding module of the New QP.


Note: Current QP students are NOT required to attend the Introductory Workshop.


However, the following situations apply:

  1. If a QP student still has incomplete module(s) in the Current QP not yet completed, he/she is required to take the corresponding Professional Module(s) of the New QP by attending workshop and passing the examination of those Professional Module(s).  However, he/she is NOT required to attend the Introductory Workshop under New QP Professional Level.

  2. If a QP student has passed the technical workshops but not the examination of the module(s) under the Current QP, he/she will only be required to pass the examination of the corresponding Professional Module(s) of the New QP only but not the workshop.

  3. QP students who have completed all the modules but not yet passed the Final Examination under the Current QP will be required to take the Capstone of the New QP.


2. HKIAAT or PBE students / graduates / members


For HKIAAT or PBE students / graduates / members, it is strongly advisable for you to contact the Qualifications Assessment Team ( applying the new QP in order to check your status under the transitional arrangement.



3.  JES students




